Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Parts Of A Viking Ship Diagram

back to crack the abortion pill

The Democratic Party once again split on abortion pill

The Time November 25, 2009

suspend the process that should lead to the `marketing in Italy of the abortion pill RU486 and request a new investigation and deliberation by `s EMEA. The chairman of the Senate Health, Antonio Tomassini, confirming the rumors came out yesterday and announced that at its final opinion on `Survey hearings on the abortion pill RU486, which could come today or no later than tomorrow, will ask a precautionary stop the marketing of the pill, waiting for new evidence indicating with certainty the safety of medication abortion. A position that is shared, by members of the PDL committee and more generally large group of senators from the majority, as explained by the leader of the Pdl, Maurizio Gasparri: "There are sufficient guarantees as to the compatibility between the` use of RU486 and Law 194. " This is why "we need a new investigation to obtain the opinion of the minister." The majority's argument is therefore not of "one stop ruling," but the need to "learn more to protect women's health first." Unconvincing argument that the `radical leader of the Democratic Party, Donatella Poretti, according to which 'the procedure that gave the green light to' marketing of the pill RU486 has been a political stop." Not by chance during the work of the Committee, this afternoon, Poretti was `the only one to present a final document 'alternative', which advocates that 'the Board confirms that it was not in their own prerogatives, nor in its intention to slow down, prevent or intervene in the work of `the Italian Agency for the drug." A text that has not found the bank of the Democratic Party, as the parent Dorina Bianchi in committee has now distanced himself. It remains to be understood, however, which is compared to the position of the majority position of the Democratic Party, who tomorrow morning will bring together the group to decide to hold the line: "There are inconsistencies in the report Tomassini - merely say Bianchi - who we want to discuss. " Harsh criticism of the Commission's findings comes instead from the gynecologist Silvio Viale, who speaks of 'inconclusive findings against women and illegitimate. " Harsh words, immediately reciprocate by Tomassini: "I find it unwise and imprudent intervention of the Silvio Viale, which I think surpassed by his ego."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What Can You Wear With A Pinstripe Vest

Crucifix, Berlusconi and the church to attack Europe

Crucifix, Berlusconi and the church to attack Europe

The manifesto of November 5, 2009
Iaia Vantaggiato

A decision is unacceptable for us Italians, "one of those decisions that make us doubt the good sense of` Europe '. So Silvio Berlusconi - in `announce an imminent action - said the ruling, although not definitive, the court in Strasbourg, which would oblige the` Italy to remove crucifixes from classrooms. Words a little bit strong, especially as delivered by the premier of one of the 27 member country of the Union. But even an unfounded attack on Europe since all `- and Berlusconi can not know - the European Court of Human Rights of Man is not an organism` s EU but an `institution founded in 1954 in the Council of Europe`. The fact is that the controversy turns on the crucifix, yesterday, in a "iperidentitaria 'crucifixion of Europe. As always, the most outspoken is the minister of reforms Umberto Bossi, who called the ruling "bullshit": "L 'Europe - he says - it's good for the economy but also for many other things not because it is remote from the people and does things contrary to what people want. " And it sends it to say, even Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa: "The crucifix? They can die, not to take away while the minister for economic development Claudio Scajola - almost a fine exegete than the other - says: "If Christianity is a nuisance, it means that triumphs again Pilate. " Steps for all steps and for the leader of the PDL in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri, strasicuro that the unit is Europe `s can not be achieved" stifling the rights of the majority in the name of an integration of face. " Gasparri has no doubts: it is time to question the usefulness and validity of the whole bureaucracy of `` the European Union. A device which, however, the court in Strasbourg is not. It is surprising, however, that fooled 'by mistake is the most balanced UDC leader Pier Ferdinando Casini of `. that in fear the risk of a drift fundamentalist anti-EU, said: "This is a secular Europe that leaves no room either to God or religion. And we are instead for a `secular Europe that acknowledges its Christian roots." And "we" are in full election campaign so glad that everyone `s appreciation expressed by the Vatican secretary of state for the choice of the Italian government to appeal against Strasbourg ruling. "Unfortunately, this Europe of the Third Millennium - Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone says leaves us only the pumpkins of Halloween and takes away the dearest symbols." All against, well, except Emma Bonino, who sees the pronouncements of Strasbourg, on the contrary, "a hymn to religiosity"