Sunday, April 25, 2010

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The interference of the Vatican during the election campaign from the Church those who no

The Vatican's interference in the election campaign

The Fact's Daily April 21, 2010

The President of the Council does not tire of repeating that "Catholics are with us", ie the PDL. "The Democratic Party - he said - is increasingly extremist and secular, to draw a political movement as subversive I'Idv and as cultural radicals. "And indeed, despite the stance of the Christian Family at the time of the scandal Letizia (" You have exceeded the limits of decency "), during the last electoral campaign has the support of the Vatican made me feel. In fact, the president of CEI, Angelo Bagnasco, had identified the key issues to guide the Catholic vote in the elections of 28 and 29 March this year: the protection of life, first of all to defend abortion, but also the right to work and home, as well as the reception and protection of the environment.
a message directly to prevent the victory of the candidate in Lazio Emma Bonino, who would surely put your hand on the healthcare system that, on the outskirts of Rome, it is important to remain under the influence of the Church. Bagnasco So did he cast his vote that he immediately saw the benefits once won the elections from here, in fact, the allegations against the abortion pill for Cota, president of Piedmont.

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from the Church those who no
Express April 23, 2010

Ignazio Marino

And if you start to talk? If the church hierarchy agreed to listen to all scientists, without separating them into believers and unbelievers, on many sensitive issues, to try to interpret all the dilemmas of our time? Hypothesis seems remote at a time when Church leaders appear rigid, inflexible and dogmatic attitude dealing with topics that dogma, in fact, does not exist.
Surely the sanctity of life is one of the cornerstones of the Catholic religion, like other religions or philosophies. It is logical that there is a particular focus pearl protection and respect for life, in all circumstances. A principle that I see as an element of separation from the secular thought. And do not forget that even on abortion, the Church in the past has recognized the complexity of some situations. If for example a woman's life is endangered due to a clinical problem related to pregnancy or if a girl was the victim of sexual violence, or even if the pregnancy involves a young girl as a teenager, too young to face the physical and psychological weight of a child to grow, is called the "conscientia perplexa", namely the condition that makes uncertain moral judgments and decision difficult, however, and allows you to find the most reasonable and appropriate. These choices are extreme conducted in the sacred place of consciousness.
on interruption of pregnancy, except in the cases just cited, the rule is clear, but it is unclear why a violent opposition to the possibility of using, in Italy, the pill RU486. Abortion is always a drama, but is governed by state law. The technical means to implement it is not one of religious or ethical issues, this is only a clinical evaluation and, as such, should be discussed personally by the doctor with his patient. Each physician has a duty to explain the existing clinical options and advise the path that it deems most appropriate, considering each situation. A woman who made the decision to terminate the pregnancy could have a major contraindication to anesthesia: the doctor should tell you whether or not that in addition to the surgical approach, there is a pharmacological option?
Another theme that has seen a gradual tightening by the Vatican regards the end of life. The cornerstone of endorsed wholeheartedly is a no net euthanasia: in any case a person may intentionally cause the death of another, even for compassionate purposes. But the questions, the "gray areas" in the talks wisely Cardinal Martini, arise in relation to the interruption of treatment useless. Questions that have engaged the Church, just think of the message of Paul VI Catholic physicians in 1970: "The doctor that prevents the killing and at the same time forces him to devote all the resources of his art to fight against death . This does not mean, however, forcing him to use all the survival techniques that science has a tireless creator. In many cases it would not be may impose unnecessary torture vegetative resuscitation in the terminal phase of an incurable disease? In that case, the duty of the physician is quite an undertaking to alleviate suffering, instead of wanting to prolong as long as possible, by whatever means and under any conditions
, a life that is not fully human and which is of course to the its conclusion. "
Today, however, especially in our country, church hierarchies have some doubts and nuances favorite store in the name of certainty is not debatable and non-negotiable principles. By ignoring the questions that cross the minds of the faithful. Think of another example, that of artificial insemination. The official position of Church is very strict but just listen to ordinary people to understand that, in fact, many Catholics believe that it is not important if conception occurs in the uterus of a woman or in a test tube, what matters is that this is the result of 'amoredi a couple and the desire to build a family.
In the absence of dialogue between religion and science, it becomes very difficult to find common solutions that would be rather important because sooner or later (sooner rather than later) the decisions will be taken. This is the case of stem cells. All admit that in the past has been an error in artificially create thousands of frozen human embryos that are still in infertility clinics and that will never be used for reproductive purposes. Their end is certain and their cells, valuable for the research, will die and will throw an Italian law that prohibits their use.
Other countries have chosen different paths and the search today, as we well know, does not take account of geographical boundaries. On this issue, the Vatican, however, is clear: the embryos are not touching. But try to imagine what will happen if in the coming months, following a trial under way in the U.S., a man or a woman forced for years in a wheelchair for a serious injury to the spine and walking once. What can the Church say? That some humans have no right to recovery because you do not can use embryonic cells destined to die in the freezer? I doubt that this position could be understood even by the most devout of believers. How
Carlo Maria Martini wrote: "The Church should not be seen only in its institutional aspect, identifying the bargain with the hierarchy, ie priests, bishops and the pope ... It is composed of all those who believe in Jesus Christ ...». And so the Church should accept the debate on these issues which, if not discussed, overwhelm all, believers and nonbelievers.

Friday, April 16, 2010

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Pd, the mess still affects

Marco Travaglio Il Fatto

The Pd obvious protest against the decree-saving lists, can drop it in Parliament, but then backtracks. And vote a law that with the fetch and PDL League. The opposition which opposes takes less than 24 hours.

Ladies and Siori , more and more difficult! While no objection to the Italian opposition called yesterday Pd hath been produced in a triple somersault with pike and screwing scappellamento right, a number never tried or failed before. Remember the decree-saving listings healed ex post illegalities in the presentation of lists PDL in Milan and Rome? Well, it was illegal, unconstitutional and unnecessary. Illegal because a 1988 law prohibits the decrees on electoral matters (to avoid the risk that we use a rule and then, if the decree is not converted into law, that rule shall lapse after the vote and we should go to the polls). Healed unconstitutional because only the deficiencies of some lists and not others and why changing the rules of the game to begin. Unnecessary as modified by parliament, a regional law. Regardless of these dettagliucci, the Presidents Council and the Republic signed a firm foot. Continue on

The Fact

Friday, April 9, 2010

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"Decide the woman with the doctor, not the politicians'

Unit 8.4.10
Interview with Ignazio Marino
"Decide the woman with the doctor, not the politicians'
Senator Pd: Cota wanted to block the use of the drug because he won the election. The right has delayed the arrival of years of RU486. And on the Democratic Party is compact bioassay
Natalia Lombardo

abortion on a woman and always a defeat but the choice of which method to use comes only from an intimate dialogue between a woman and her doctor, can not be a president of the Region, a minister or a parliamentary committee to impose it. " Ignazio Marino, a Catholic Democratic Party, and in his study to the Senate today meets its component change Italy. " Yesterday we established the commission of the Ministry of Health to monitor the use of the pill and understand, they say, if there the risk that they undertake 'home abortions'. One form of control? "You are confusing between clinical and ethical problems. When a woman has taken the dramatic decision to terminate a pregnancy has already addressed the issue of ethics. The doctor decides the woman what the best route, that is surgical or pharmacological, explaining the risks of both. Maybe there are women who are afraid to total anesthesia had a bad experience before. The gynecologist, today, April 7, 2010, must say that there are different types of abortion, one with the drug RU486. Then the choice comes only from its intimate dialogue with the woman. "
Detractors claim of RU486 required hospitalization, although the pill is administered in two stages. Deliberate ambiguity? "There can be a real risk if a woman takes the drug and then remains separated from immediate contact with the health facility. But it is difficult to occur in Italy. We need a monitoring of the whole trail, or with the hospital until abortion is not completed, or a day hospital with absolute control to the end. But everything moves in the track of scientific recommendations and law enforcement 194. And then there is the freedom of women to sign the medical record and leave the hospital. " Among
leaguers or politicians of the PDL, boys, there is the contemptuous idea that the pill can be used with lightness. "The suspicion that right-wing politicians have delayed the use of RU486 for two years after it was approved by the European Medicines Agency AIFA and the same has been slow to give much away. Then with the Healthcare Commission's investigation has delayed the right of the pill a few months in Italy, convinced that the only surgical abortion was a deterrent. A speech will make sense, or respect for the woman. It is, if anything, to prevent abortion with more information on contraception, particularly among immigrant women. "
Undersecretary Mantovano not deny it: "We change the Constitution, because you can not touch the 194?". The objective and this?
"For thirty years there is the 194 and abortions are halved. And one of the most balanced laws. A secular state must have a law on abortion. I remember in the 70's in Rome to get to the emergency room bleeding for women's knitting needles inserted into the uterus by midwives and others who were then carried out in clinics where abortions are illegal, those who could afford it flew to London, where he was free. Here, I will not go back to that. " The proclamations of
Cota Zaia and blocked the departure of RU486 in hospitals? "The minister Fazio stopped them in a language that disarming the law there, read it and stick to it. The delay was there, but the intervention of the Minister has prevented that spreads to other regions. " For
Livia Turkish and "federalism ethical" illegal and unjust and Fazio called to report in Parliament. "Cota has decided that this drug would not have had to use just because he won the election. The right thinks he has power over everything because he won. The living will, which resumed in committee: Article 3 requires nutrition and hydration forced to introduce a tube in the intestines even those who did not want him. It goes against the Constitution. "
dissidents in the center will be able to change the text? "With Fini agree with the idea that family members have a choice or not to use those therapies. The PD must be compact with a single vote. Bersani I hope that does not leave freedom of conscience: a duty of care is not freedom, but oppression. "

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

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hours waiting in the Vatican

hours waiting in the Vatican

Il Sole 24 Ore on 30 March 2010 Charles Brown

When Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco spoke of the regional elections indicate danger to Catholics to vote anti-abortion candidates was very too clear that he spoke of Emma Bonino (and Mercedes Bresso). Renata Polverini It matters little that is favorable to the maintenance of law 194: the very idea that history can be a radical shake hands with Pope Benedict XVI is really too. The
butt naked in making the outcome uncertain until late in the Lazio holds its breath Italian representatives of the Holy See - which while reaffirming the "non-negotiable" in the value of family life and political realism, but meanders a cautious also of the Vicariate. And the Cardinal Agostino Vallini considered close to Cardinal Bertone - was given a more moderate and attentive to social options. Certainly over the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving the Tiber Bonino at the helm of the region "is another step in the process of secularization" and the voices that have sounded the alarm are not missed. Future was highly combative, and a glimpse of what wound in the Catholic world has highlighted the Gazette, who spoke of large numbers of Catholics, priests and laity of Rome and Lazio, who supported the Bonino. Beyond the non-negotiable values, in particular stake is the management of health, hospitals in Lazio contaben43 Galaxy attributable to the Vatican, as revealed by an investigation by Il Sole 24 Ore. But if there is uncertainty in the Lazio region, certainly in the North breaks through the League, a political force on which the hierarchy have long pointed to. It was December when Bertone, said: "The defense of the territory was once the prerogative of bishops and priests, and we know how important it is inside the Church
the concept of territoriality. Today it is considered that the league is a political force with strong local roots. "