Monday, August 2, 2010

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In 1535 Jacques Cartier set sail the coasts of France direct to Newfoundland with a crew of 110 men. In 6 weeks 100 people became ill from scurvy. A native told them to drink juice of the fruits of a tree that grew in that area and the men were cured within a few days. Since that incident and realized masters of vessels sighted crew commanded them to consume orange juice and lemon juice to prevent scurvy. It took a long time before the medical world to accept this simple solution, but finally succumbed in 1795 to common sense and the lemon juice became mandatory in the diet of sailors.

One of the reasons why there are so many infections in hospital is that many nurses, like most antibiotics that washing your hands. When in 1843, Oliver W. Holmes suggested the doctors to change clothes and wash hands after visiting the patients with puerperal fever, his requests were ignored. Even the advent of anesthesia has long been neglected if not opposed by the medical world and was officially accepted only when Queen Victoria gave birth to Prince Leopold under the influence of chloroform. Until 1980 it was common to make babies without anesthesia because they believed that they were incapable of feeling pain.

From data reported by various newspapers and books, it seems that Today the doctors cause more illnesses and deaths of cancer or heart disease. One person in six is \u200b\u200bin the hospital because the doctor. Negative reactions to drugs are the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. because doctors do not understand the dangers associated with drugs. 40% of people who take medicines suffers heavy side effects, incidentally no one can determine in advance what the health effects of a drug launched. Many more people are killed by prescription drugs to the use of illegal drugs. Only in Australia each year are hospitalized nearly half a million people because the doctors made them sick and 18,000 of them die every year due to medical errors, toxicity drugs, surgical errors and so on., while in the U.S. because the mortality of doctors is around 200,000. And the figures are more encouraging in Europe, where doctors and medicine seems to kill more people than all cancers. In fact, doctors are a major cause of illness and death much more than all the other issues combined, including cancer and heart disease.

incidentally, as the same journal British Medical Journal, 6 to 7 treatments are not supported by scientific evidence. The basic problem is that most medical research is organized, paid, commissioned and sponsored which is made by the pharmaceutical industry to produce good reviews and not harming herself. It seems that many of the scientists involved are ready to modify the results of their experiments if they do not yield the desired results. It is estimated that at least 12% of scientific research is false.

The examination and analysis for medical diagnosis does not seem to be reliable: can not predict the course of disease in 50% of cases. Pathologists have performed hundreds of autopsies and found that more than half of the deceased had died for a cause other than that diagnosed, received medical treatment had practically wrong. And if life expectancy has lengthened (but certainly not the welfare of the person) it is not because doctors and medicines but sanitation, running water, central heating, the lack of work, reduction of infant mortality, lack of wars. There are more sick today than there were in all of human history. In essence, we can deduce that after 65 years of age is a burden to the citizen and the state tries to replace it with the producer.

The number of people who die due to medical is 4 times greater than that of people who die in road accidents. Basically, the doctor is more likely to kill of our car. In fact, doctors now are just a commercial channel of the pharmaceutical industry and most of the medicines that require you do not know the effects because all medicines, without exception, are tested on animals. In short, doctors kill more people than they cure and cause more sickness and disease than they are able to relieve: the reason lies in the fact that the medical profession is in close alliance with the pharmaceutical industry.

At least 70% of examinations and tests required by the physician is not required. A survey has shown that blood tests and urine tests help the doctor make a diagnosis exact only 1% of cases. A recent study showed that of 93 children who were diagnosed with heart disease only 15% were actually sick.

If you were to classify the cancer industry based on its turnover is among the most important in the world, but if it were considered based on its ability to defeat the disease that aims to fight would be between industries most disastrous of the planet.

In 1970 one in 6 people could get cancer; in 1980 the risk was doubled in 1990 will reach about 40%. Not only that, now the survival rate of cancer is the same as 1950. The timing of recovery from cancer fall within the stated 5 years: if a person dies after 5 years and one day the case will be considered a success. It seems that the dominant purpose is to keep the patient alive for those 5 years. One study showed that patients who refused conventional treatments of cancer lived an average of three years more. In reality, the war against cancer has been a failure like the one against drugs. And the doctors who dare to recommend alternative therapies, natural, are routinely isolated, ridiculed, scorned.

The results of those who depend on medical research funding. But no seems interested in finding out why we get cancer, or any other disease: it would reduce profits and revenue. Nobody is going to make people understand that our body is able to neutralize, without the help of doctors and medicine, diseases of 9 to 10.

A group of researchers examined the medical records of 100 patients: only 53% of heart attack was diagnosed. During a study of 80 doctors was asked to examine a model of female breasts with silicone: the doctors were able to find only half of the abnormal nodules hidden. Another study showed that patients diagnosed at death 4 on was wrong and that 70% of deaths autopsied had never been diagnosed with serious illnesses. In another study whose object 400 autopsies in more than half of the cases had been made an incorrect diagnosis. The errors in reading X-rays is about 30% and even when radiographs are viewed a second time, only one third of the errors is found.

In 1950 one child in 14 is ill with cancer; in 1985 the figure had risen to one in four, and despite the very heavy financial industry researchers do not seem to feel the least embarrassed by the abysmal failure, even still others and then ask other funds. In reality, medical science does not know how to deal with cancer. If a person becomes ill with cancer and visited three different doctors will certainly three different therapies.

The problem is that almost all doctors not agree that there is a link between lifestyle and disease, between food and cancer, although the National Academy of Sciences says that 60% of cancers in women and 40% in men are linked to nutritional factors. The Britisch Medical Association estimates that at least one third of cancer cases are attributable to food, although the link between animal protein, fat and cancer is now irrefutable. They deny the existence of stress and immune system, including toxemia, and congenital diseases. But the doctors insist on ignoring this equation and renewed nemesis karmic burden on the medical profession for millennia, to the detriment of the population.

Ever since I was introduced to the breast X-ray mammography doctors realized that he could bring more cases of cancer than they detect. Each dose is equivalent to the average X-ray damage of 6 cigarettes.

Some U.S. studies have shown that the incidence of cancer in a given area of \u200b\u200ba country increases with the number of doctors present in the area. The propensity for radiography by doctors might explain this phenomenon.

Ideas from the book "How to prevent harm to your doctor" by Vernon Coleman

But although the mechanism established in the medical field has moved away from the doctors Hippocratic principle that says "First do no harm", I believe unfair to overlook the important contribution of medicine and many doctors who, with true spirit of personal sacrifice, in many cases are crucial to alleviate suffering and save lives, especially in cases of emergency. The work of physicians should be inspired to fight the causes of diseases and simultaneously consider the human entity in all its fundamental components and then exit the sectoral approach and symptoms in a holistic view in which the natural health industry as an indispensable and complementary part for the good of man.

"A doctor is a man who gets paid to tell the stories of the sick-room, until the nature

has not healed or remedies we have not killed" (A. Furet).

"A third of what we eat is to live, the other two thirds to bring to life the doctors" (Egyptian papyrus).