... premise: I do not think much horoscope, in fact, x can not believe anything, but I believe x 'often I have personally found that people born in the same period have similar characteristics and attitudes today ... during my semi-annual meeting of the hairdresser, I have done a culture on the various pairs broke, not even people who knew them all, was already prepared to take up with others ..... mah! and among the various players and young ladies redone, shipwrecked and big brothers or big brothel better, I drop the eye ... apart from the chic horoscope horoscope him x, x ... you and your gay! ! (: D: D never laughed so much !!!!)... I said ... other than that, when I read this below ... well I stopped for a moment to laugh .... it's not my sign, but does not add anything else ... well, my message will come to those who must go .... will be a case, and if it was a coincidence ... a subliminal message? Well one more: D: D ridiamoci above, but yes, after all, nowadays, those who believe in horoscopes than ????!!!! ;)
... ah, I forgot, you zm six cancer, is not it? Eye, the scorpion might be time ... but I tell you to do ????? you already know for a long time ... you .... BACIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :)))))