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RU486, Sacconi threat "Only hospital admissions or the government will intervene" The Pd

11:12:09 The Republic
RU486, Sacconi threat "Only hospital admissions or the government will intervene"
Michele Bocci

But the application of the standard regions are divided
Turns on the political controversy Dorina Bianchi (former PD hours Udc): "Abortion is not a soft"

ROME - The government thunders against the regions: the RU486 should be administered only in hospitalization. After publication in the Official AIFA Journal of resolution which allows the drug in our health care system, the Minister for Welfare Sacconi warned: "We will take action against those who do not respect the 194, the shelter will be effective." The fear is that many women sign to go home, because nobody can be forced to remain in hospital against his will except in special cases. AIFA in resolution, which was published the day before yesterday, talking about shelter "from the time of the drug until the verification dell'esplulsione the product of conception." Some say the sentence leaves open the possibility of day-hospital, and in fact the agency was harshly criticized by the same Sacconi, as well as by the center and the Vatican, for not being more explicit. The government may request a meeting of the State-Regions to draw the guidelines of administration but for now it does not. From Exelgyne
company, which produces the RU486, explained that in February will be ready for distribution. What will happen? In Italy there are regions that administering the drug now for 4 years, cross-border case. Some provide for the hospitalization. Like Tuscany, where nothing will change. "At the time - said the health commissioner Enrico Rossi - an in-patient after consulting the regional health board. I do believe that in matters such as these remain the fundamental relationship doctor-patient relationship. " Tuscany is a fact that the vast majority of women have signed up today after administration of the pill to go home, appearing on the day of the expulsion caused by prostaglandins. Also in Emilia Romagna the drug is imported, but it is expected the day hospital. "We will go on, what we're doing is perfectly in line with the provisions AIFA - says the Deputy Mayor for Health John Bisson - The guidelines have made them our professionals." In Veneto the pill until now was not administered. The commissioner Sandro Sandri announced that the Region "will strictly adhere to what is suggested by the Minister Sacconi. We will organize our structures to give the pill under the hospitalization. Yesterday Senator
Donatella Poretti (Radical-Democratic Party) recalled that "Sacconi wrote in his report to Parliament on the 194 that, in some cases, the pill was given in an outpatient setting. If you think such a thing violates the law could go to the prosecutor. " The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Bishop Rino Fisichella, said that "to think that the RU486 abortion is not a real deception." According to Sacconi is "unequivocally that the drug trial should take place under medical supervision hospital." Minister announces controls, as well as Senator Pdl Maurizio Gasparri. Dorina Bianchi, Senator just past Pd by UDC, clarifies: "I hope that medical abortion is not considered a soft and painless procedure for the woman." Livia Turkish Democratic Party speaks of "the end of a blockbuster. We could have saved months of clashes. "


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