Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bump In Iliac Crest On Back

Those nine cents in the pockets of farmers

Carlo Petrini

collapse of the prices of agricultural products and companies are increasingly at a loss. That's why we need a new compact between farmers and consumers

What you can buy today with 9 euro cents? Not enough for a text message, maybe enough for a few nails. I can not think of much else, except that it is the wholesale price of a pound of carrots. But it is only one of many possible examples when it comes to food. It is likely that readers will not be realized because it costs them more equal if not more, but the prices that farmers are sprouting in steady decline from years. The farms produce almost all the loss and what goes surprisingly unnoticed. Some people still care for our agriculture?

From WWII to today, the sector has never been so in crisis as now think that only a quarter of wheat is paid between 13 and 15 € at a price much lower than even twenty years ago, when he was 25. Only in the last five years has lost about 30%. And in between there was the inflation of production costs: how to detect associations now produce one hectare of wheat a farmer costs 900 euro, and what one gets are 600 €. I defy anyone not to go the desire to work in these conditions. All sectors are experiencing this crisis: the stables of cattle and pigs are facing a real catastrophe. Only in the dairy industry we have gone from more than 89 stalls to the current 180 000 43 000 or so. The average price of pigs per kilo in 1990 was 1.2 euro in 2009 is the same.

We got to the point that would be good to fair trade for our farmers, and not those of poor countries. According to official statistics, in 2009, wholesale prices have declined over the previous year by 71% for carrots, peaches 53%, 30% corn, 30% milk, 19% of the grapes and the trend this year does not improve, in fact. Once the farmers said that the rice was the only product that gave them some confidence, because even if everything went wrong it was offering a minimum gain ever. Well, even the rice is saved, if in October 2009 cost nearly € 50 per quintal and now reaches 30.

a disaster of unprecedented proportions, but perhaps only if they are realizing the farmers, more and more desperate. Because we paid 9 cents for the carrot farmers still costs one euro per kilo, with the incredible mark of 1100 percent. Milk, paid the misery of 30 cents per gallon, we buy more than one € and peaches, which are worth more per kilo the same as a pint of milk, but cost us almost two euro.

It's crazy, but it is the norm and no longer news. And things are cyclical: they are structural. Our agriculture is still, fortunately, made up of many small to medium businesses, and this has always been our strength. Diversity, local roots that has brought in terms of beauty on our nation's ability to preserve biodiversity is also an expression of culture, of a slow and careful, the main result of our "local adaptation". But these small to medium businesses have marked the future if there are no strong changes, with the ability to look at the long term. Our agriculture in the European context as the original is not immune from the processes of industrialization, centralization, and even more who have invested the concentration of agriculture in the Nordic countries, France, Great Britain, along the lines of what happened in the States Obama: is the idea that we can produce food without farmers. Both the food you do travel, so only a few employees who become workers piece rate for large industries or supply chains.

We have one of agriculture in terms of age, the oldest in Europe. We have a young farmer, under the age of 35, every 12.5 farmers over 65. Nothing comparable to France and Germany, where the same ratio drops to 1.5 and 0.8 respectively. It means that in Germany there are more people in agriculture less than 35 years with more than 65. And if there are enough older people, arriving immigrants, who saw the bad habit is not so inconvenient to use in a violent manner. The other day I was in Zibello, the town became an international mark of quality because of salted pork. On the benches of the country I have seen women with the Indian sari. "The Indians are able to endure the wretched life of our old 'I was told when I asked why they were there.

Who else wants to endure this life grama? No one, and the problem is just that. How can you live if the food is paid so little? If the campaigns do not have more men and women who live there and keep them alive? Under the twinkle of the shelves in our places of expenditure is often a business that tends to have the same characteristics as that in developing countries: exploitation, brokers who are the good and the bad weather, infiltration of the underworld on a journey pure speculative products, farmers will eventually reduce poverty and have to give up. It is the sad face of progress, the result that all forms of agriculture "modern" and "competitive" will be allocated if one realizes that the rural work must be recognized, respected and rewarded, encouraged, protected, brought in the palm of your hand as deep and intelligent basis of our society. Perhaps it takes less industry and more people in the countryside.

GDP fanatics do not understand this, branded as "poetry" direct sales (growing), the farmers' markets, small-scale production that is not able to travel around the world for goods but manages well to meet the needs of local markets. Peasants will disappear without even the "made in Italy" agro-food industries will not be enough to pass off a lie, or produced more and more fake, of poorer quality, more approved at an intermediate level. And the fault is all the fault is already all.
Merchants include seven retail share out 98% of their market. The mark-ups between the final price and the price rise is very high. These people are more powerful, stronger multinational seed, because quest'oligopolio can affect quality, features, output prices. If "eating is an agricultural act" - and we must take all conscience - even distribute it became an agricultural act, but negative when the product does not have the required characteristics is not withdrawn, and the gear to decide prices is deadly. In this way, is oriented agriculture, a mechanism is established which tend to large concentrations, that these groups are easier to manage.

not want to take too much with the large retailers because they contribute to this situation along with all others involved in the processes of food, but the main operating unit was born in Italy in the last century to defend the rights of the weakest, to make food accessible to large numbers of people. Even today is focusing on the rights of consumers in its advertising, and should be recognized that much progress in this direction have been made, but I want to point out that the work done on behalf of peasants is sufficiently informed and, I add, must be implemented. I am talking about because I think Coop is a strong subject in a position to develop a virtuous transformation. When my grandfather, a socialist, railroad engineer, in 1920 was with other "comrades" of the consumer cooperative Bra, his city, had the clear purpose of this institution solidarity. Revitalize this purpose today is to build a new compact between farmers and citizens, to strengthen information and traceability of products, nutrition education, support local agriculture and seasonal products. To those who tell me that this is the case I say that is not enough. To those who say they will not be sustainable from a financial standpoint I say that is the only policy that can raise the Coop in a context of crisis.

But it is easy to blame others rather Let us realize that we are not exempt from responsibility. When I read that, faced with the problem of mozzarella blue smurfs have sprung up like a couple of weeks ago, there were no adverse reactions "possibility" of consumers ("I buy them anyway, because they cost very little, then up to see if that blue throw them away) I realize that we are approaching a point of no return. Count only the more the price, we expect such low prices that we can not even complain if the quality is poor. At most is wasted, thrown away. Moreover, the more we know the quality even recognize. Rise up to six or seven of the zucchini € in winter when we do not realize that it is foolish to ask the zucchini in the winter. Now that they are in season, for the record, they cost a euro or so. If we ourselves, as consumers, small gear essential for the system, do not begin to realize that food should be paid the fair, which has value not just price, we need to help the farmers because "eating is an agricultural act, then nothing will ever change, and our agriculture will die serial, fake and approved as in many other countries around the world who have committed these errors. See United States, where no coincidence is experiencing a renaissance led by foodies, people who care about their food and that of their children, serving farmers markets, develop networks of direct sales on the Internet, entice a new generation of young people to become farmers and chefs who make the local and eco flags affixed to amazing kitchens.

I wonder when we will have a food policy worthy of the name, that will educate people to make responsible decisions, sustainable and enjoyable, giving a hand to those farmers who produce properly for their and our benefit. I do not see strong signals to either the government or the opposition. For years, farmers were assisted with subsidies to rain, thus impoverishing the way they produce and do business, and are now isolated and cages. We have to wait even that good agriculture us we will die in your arms? Because no one took to the streets to defend the peasants? We need a renaissance that not only looks at the GDP, which goes beyond the interests of trades and subsidies for agriculture to keep alive, if not already dead, is intended to do so soon. A renaissance that, believe me, poetry is not like many possessed of GDP argue. It is a renaissance that part not only on agriculture but agriculture. It is true civilization.


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