Monday, February 7, 2011

Where Is Row M In The Rose Garden


MIMMO Beccaris
Some things about me: My dowry
Art manifests itself eclectic. L 'art work ranges from sculpture about Pietra Leccese the painting in oils. I made many frescoes cold on vaulted and barrel baroque baronial buildings in the province of Lecce, in some cases I have done restoration work. I realize Trompe - l'oeil run on my creativity with technical mixture of acrylic and lands. In my artistic production there are many portraits in oil on canvas paintings and religious . In addition I enjoy painting on glass , also stained, with a technique of color-component cold. My painting is also expressed in decorations on pottery of different shapes!
I was born in 1957 on the 11th of October. After attending elementary school in Marina di Massa Carrara I graduated middle school in Rome to arrive in Parma Institute of Art "P. Toschi" in 1974 where I graduated with a Master of Arts qualification in architecture and furniture.
have written and published by me: EuroArt - Dear Editor Lecce


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