Friday, February 26, 2010

Raw Mushrooms Stomach

Vatican alt Bonino. "Can not vote for candidates Zapatero," the religion of political

Vatican alt Bonino. "Can not vote for candidates Zapatero," Corriere della Sera

February 26, 2010

Monica Guerzoni

There is a problem of "incompatibility" between Catholics and the 'zapatera "Emma Bonino. A 'problem of consciousness "that plagued Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, president emeritus of the Pontifical Academy for Life. The Bishop does not name names, but the references in the interview that disseminates the monthly Advisor Re lead straight to the leader of the Radicals, a candidate in Lazio and supported by the Democratic Party. They ask an opinion on the aspiring president of Lazio, Renata Polverini, and Emma Bonino. Sgreccia It attacks the second. Scale is against those candidates "who have indicated they do not want to give up anything to put their ideas on life and Zapateria
family," raises a "question of conscience for Catholics" and will launch its warning to voters: "It is for a problem incompatibility for the Catholic who impute to vote on it. "
The mood of Monsignor Sgreccia is also that of many Catholics in the Democratic Party, who live with inconvenience to the nomination of Bonino. The issue has led, yesterday, great excitement to the negotiating table for the 'list' of the president.
radicals, represented by Rita Bernardini, they proposed two names - Michele De Lucia and Sergio Rovasio - that condense the history of the party, from `anti-clericalism in the battles for sexual freedom. Rovasio is president of the association rights which fights against discrimination and in favor of gay marriages, adoptions and artificial insemination for homosexual persons.
De Lucia, treasurer of the Radicals, he founded the association to defend the secular state and religious freedom.
In November 2000, during the 0melia of John Paul II during the Jubilee of the politicians, "the Vatican is arrested by police for having rolled out the front of the Basilica di San Pietro a banner reading" Yes to HR 486, yes the condom. "
The profile of the two radicals waved leaders of the Democratic Party. "If they insist on proposing De Lucia and Rovasio not we just - he warns Senator Lucio D` Ubaldo, head of the electoral -. It was said that the list should not be neither clerical nor anti-clerical ... Bonino can not deploy the founder of It takes balance. " Otherwise, the Democratic Party, warned D `Ubaldo, will go to plan B, that is the alternative candidate:" The last option? Resign from the commission, saying that there are conditions for a common program. "

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cipralex How Long Can It Be Used

the religion of political
An interpretation of the Christian part of the political religion of the usual habit of demonizing opponents.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Imagenes De Hanamontana

Lazio, Ruini "maneuver" against Bonino But the Vatican: The parishes outside the voting

Unit 19.2.10
Lazio, Ruini "maneuver" against Bonino But the Vatican parishes outside the voting
Behind the duel Bonino-Polverini another chapter in the clash Cei-Vatican. The electoral sympathies are obviously the same but while Ruini takes a direct commitment to the PDL candidate, opposes the Vicariate.
Mariagrazia Gerina

Binetti also behind the release of Pd from the long arm of the former president of the CEI
Mons.Miglio: "I am local elections siparli concrete problems such as work"

The first bars were traced house of Marco Pannella, under the auspices of a priest of Teramo. Don Giacinto Pannella, radical leader of the same name, who ordered his great-uncle in 1871 enshrines the portrait. Symbolic ferryman between the bank and the Catholic radical far from willing to disappear within the Democratic Party. Word of Franco Marini: "I am retired but there are a half," recalled stem the flow of farewell to the Democratic Party Paola Binetti. After his spying had in defending the road in Lazio's candidacy to the radical Emma Bonino. A common origin between Abruzzo and a story about Don Giacinto, and he was in the house panel, lay the foundations of dialogue that continues at this time in the rooms of the Committee for Emma Bonino, the program where the candidate's work alongside the radical Gianfranco Spadaccia man he stated, Lucio D'Ubaldo. "These are local elections and Emma embodies this better than anyone else's morality and a widespread need to turn the page 'raison d'Ubaldo. The real stakes win and explains the many even among Catholics disgusted by politics tend to lean toward the non-voting. Tap on the moral question, then. And leave the background, or out of the program, "the issues that belong to the sensitivity of each 'read de facto couples," on which the region, except when necessary to provide all services, has not decided. " This we schema of the Catholic pro-Bonino. Can they break the call to the anti-Catholic vote Bonino? Before the release of
Paola Binetti
by PD, then the attacks of the future of the Democratic Party and Radical candidate who has chosen to support it. The most obvious signs so far do not bode well. But there are other signals. As the caution recommended to the bishops by Cardinal Vicar of Rome, Lazio Agostino Vallini, chosen by the Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone. The most hardline of the bishops of Lazio, who still refers to Ruini, calls for a public stance on the challenge Bonino-Polverini. Vallini said, for now, asking them to keep out of politics by the parishes. "No meetings in parishes," says the Altolia her. That sounds like a bank than the anti-crusade Bonino. As the position of Bishop Arrigo Miglio, responsible for social problems of the IEC, also near Bertone are local elections in Lazio, the cen-Ansa Photo

should be placed against the concrete problems, the support to those who lose work.
signals, behind which to read another chapter of the clash between the CEI and the Secretariat of State, including Bertone and Ruini, who has made Rome and Lazio face more important than a new clash of religion. It was his direct involvement in the push to leave the Democratic Party Paola Binetti. And his call for Gianni Letta and Silvio Berlusconi in his home, at the Minor Seminary, renamed by malicious Vatican Two ", to overthrow in Lazio, in favor of the candidate of the PDL, the alliance with the UDC. The secretary Ugl on the other hand you are working hard with his attendance at religious events and church. But above all, working to ensure significant Catholic presence in his civil list. How to Mimma Giaccari, wing term "right" of the ACLI, the same Communion and Liberation is about to make voting. On the other hand, however, does not stand still. The former minister Beppe Fioroni, Bertone joined by a very direct relationship, goes back and forth in those hours between the Catholic clinics, which do not look favorably on the return of the old team storaciana driving the health of Lazio. And after the recent changes in the board of directors of Catholic Action, which runs the Gemelli Polyclinic, the central node of the health of Lazio, where you have some friends, loyal to Bertone, as the president of the Infant Jesus, Joseph Profiti

Thursday, February 18, 2010

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Cei excommunication Bonino: The Future is frightened and attacked "incompatible and hostile to the Christian vision"

Without the 18.2 .10
The CEI excommunication Bonino: The Future is frightened and attacked "incompatible and hostile to the Christian vision"
Marco Politi

Bersani wrote to the newspaper pointing out the presence of Catholics in the Pd
scandal Civil Protection is pushing a lot believers from the pole
The CEI ramming the Democratic Party and the excommunication Bonino candidacy in Lazio. With harsh words for the Future takes breast Bersani, branded as "inconsistent and hostile to the Christian vision."
The violent attack indicates the intention of the church hierarchy in direct confrontation with the Democratic Party to prevent the victory of the Bonino. The aggressive language, used in relation to exponent radical, irreducible Vatican's opposition reflects more than the pressures of both the Cardinal Ruini and the UDC, for which the center-left is totally defeated in the region where they are symbolically and Casini Berlusconi found allies (such as former president of the CEI would have liked in the general elections of 2008).
Tuesday Bersani had written to the future (after an editorial critical of the output from the Pd Binetti and other Catholics teodem) to deny an alleged "comes Zapatero," the Democratic Party and remember that within the various cultures (including Catholic) were recognize the basic characteristics of the "common house". More - Bersani argued - as complaints about lack of equal dignity of Catholics in the party if "the President, the Deputy Secretary, the leader in the House, the managers of the School and Welfare" are all committed believers? "What are we talking about?". Against the Secretary of the Democratic Party takes the field in first hand the new director of the Future Mark Tarquinio, showing a "growing sense of alarm" of readers and denouncing the "incredible claims and superabortista iperliberista" Bonino also to represent Catholic values. Then the sink. The history of Bonino, presses Tarquinio directly contacting Bersani, represents a position incompatible with Catholicism, or rather a program of "open and often bitter hostility toward the Christian vision of life and society." Accepting his candidacy and his culture as part of the PD, is the warning, it means "to make a choice heavy and accurate."
aggressive political style, that goes beyond the critical line, but moderate enough so far kept from taking place, is directly at the highest ecclesiastical as it was when the then director Boffo threatened that the legalization of de facto couples, namely the approval of say, would represent a " watershed "of Italian political history. The Future back heavily on the subject even in the letters page readers with a headline screaming: "Radicals, irreducible incompatibility." By defining the intention of the Bonino also represent the Catholic electorate a 'foolish and fraudulent transaction, an insult to the intelligence and the collective memory of Italians. " His line is literally taken apart as ethical and as regards solidarity, labor market and "radicals systematically preach the opposite of the Church's social doctrine." Yet the attack shouted
reveals fears and weaknesses of the church hierarchy. Bonino's application in fact does not scare many Catholic voters, while Polverini them warm. Moreover, the scandal broke on brothels around the Civil Defence is losing its appeal among moderate Catholics of the pole of Berlusconi.
Consent down, they know the leaders of the PDL. Why is the "Catholic newspaper, normal believer who lives his faith in parishes, aid organizations, in Bible study groups, volunteer work, commitment catechetical, not a baciapile. Not interested in the histories of both massaggini Brazilians. But usually (unless you leave dominated by distrust of politics) is very sensitive to the concept of "common good" of law, justice. Knowing that in a moment of crisis (when nearly a fifth of households unable to get to the end of the month) are thrown tens of millions in inflated contracts irritates him. The father of a Catholic family, who desperately insecure daughter graduate, is furious reading of "super children" paid three thousand € a contract of "apprenticeship." Distressed because the offspring is prevented from making a home without a job, the Catholic parents of offspring learning disgusts whose great concern is to make book hotels at the expense of money which will be the community to pay. The very future is devoting ample space to the scandal and from day one has foiled an attempt by Berlusconi to attack the judges and to hide the swelling. The strategy of the premier journals of the bishops has dealt a fatal stab with a simple choice. By posting a chart of the "gelatinous system", with arrows indicating the various contracts and the names of the various miraculous gifts. A devastating picture: exactly what the Catholic reader reads the evening going home.
has written just yesterday on the Future of the player Gianluigi Vergari: "Call the poor people without dignity jackals laughing on the earthquake Aquila - savoring the rich banquet of reconstruction - is wrong." Expression reductive, almost to induce pity for bad people who can prove good intentions. "Instead you should call these things for what they are: greedy speculators, also very dangerous because of their way of thinking, it is necessary to render them harmless for the future."
also weigh these reactions in the urn. E ' no doubt that the church hierarchy can mobilize votes in the election of a patrol that - span - are calculated at around 3-5 percent at most. Precious votes in case of race head to head. But, in fact, the massive intervention of the Future shows that the Vatican is concerned that the Bonino is in the lead, thanks to the silence of many believers.

Warts Turning Black After Treatment

Sleepwalkers How true .. How true

"The inertia of the human mind and its resistance to innovation is demonstrated more clearly not, as you might think, in the uneducated masses, but rather in the professionals with their vested interests by tradition and the monopoly of knowledge. Innovation is a twofold threat to academic mediocrity: it endangers their oracular authority, and evokes the deeper fear that their whole intellectual edifice, laboriously built could crumble. "

(Arthur Koestler, The Sleepwalkers)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Whitetail Deer Antlers Drop

Today Ordinary people lose, while big business earns even more. We must impose very high taxes on capital gains. Today it is more profitable to speculate that work for a living. He must go back to being the opposite.

Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel prize for ' Economics, February 5

Strip Red Unit online on February 10

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hard To Swallow Sore Throat

The Peter Principle

In a hierarchy every member tends to reach their level of incompetence.


Over time, each position tends to be occupied by a State which is incompetent to do that work.

The work is done by those members who have not yet reached their level of incompetence.

collection where you'll find a wealth of other valuable considerations.

Happy Monday to all

How Long Does Silicone Take

Transition possible in part by walls Fiesole

Back to ancient wisdom, from Crisis

Saturday, February 6, 2010

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If this is a man

Massimo Gramellini

source La Stampa

But how will he be Israel with Israelis and Palestinians with the Palestinians? To say, in front of Netanyahu, who bombard Gaza was "just a reaction" and two hours later, before Abu Mazen, that victims of Gaza are comparable to those of the Holocaust? Zelig was limited to face change, depending on the interlocutor to please. But this is a man able to remove the time and space. He can be with the pilot of the bombs and that releases underground shelter with the bombings. At the same time, is given to both words of understanding. In his previous life he taught the sellers of advertising to be concave with convex with concave and convex. Once challenged them to greet fifty customers, finding a compliment for everyone. Just shaking hands with the fiftieth, a man ugly and unpleasant, was puzzled. Then he said: "What a good handshake of yours."

Many Americans have read those manuals that teach you how to make a fool of in the next 47 lessons. But only he has the guts to apply the fundamental precept: always believe what you say, even when it is the opposite of what you just said. One technique that clearly works even with old hands in the Middle East. How will he do? I would love to ask him if he was not in the meantime has been moved to the basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, where the brothers are telling a joke about Madonna that he would prefer a girl. At that point I give up.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sample Words Church Phone Greeting

The vote is won with ideas, not with the faith

The vote is won with ideas, not with the faith

The Journal of February 5, 2010

Benedetto Della Vedova

The bell the article by Giordano Bruno Guerri on Wednesday opened a debate on " Catholic vote "particularly healthy for the center, as evidenced by the response of Eugenia Roccella, who would entrust the victory at Lazio Renata Polverini `idiosyncrasy against the Catholic Radical Emma Bonino.
admit I find the surreal attempt to impose `Italy in the 2010 election played a clash of faith, nay, more, on` doctrinal orthodoxy. But beyond this, the fact is that-understandably - Catholics for a long time, if not always distribute their votes across the political spectrum, roughly as other voters. `According to the survey conducted by Ipsos for the ACLI` lessons of the latest European, for example, practicing Catholics (about one third of the electorate `) voted center-right forces to 50.4%, compared to a General of 45.5%. According to the survey of "Political Thermometer", the difference would also be significantly lower. This should be enough to move, in Italy as in the rest of Christian Europe ', the center of political debate on other issues. But, as evidenced by the reflection proposed by Eugenia Roccella, is not enough.
L `mistake is in thinking that the passion that animal bioethics debate marks the perimeter of the political spectrum. Which, besides not being fair, is not even true, since there are millions of voters Berlusconi, Catholic and non-Catholics, who do not think that Eluana has been 'killed' or that the pre-implantation diagnosis is an aberration, a `eugenics . Catholic thought impregnala culture of subsidiarity and `self-organization of society, is one of the most solid and modern content of the proposed policy of the PDL. But you can not use the Church's moral teaching as a legislative memorandum, pretending not to see that on every sensitive issue across the divisions that divide society even the Catholic world. If Possenti, which is certainly not a Catholic "dissent," he writes, as he did recently on "Paradoxa", "I consider it important that the state does not become a monopoly on ethical end of life issues pertaining to the sphere jealous of their lives 'a few light bulbs should be lit even in the minds of those who want to be a proponent of `ideal Catholic. But we really believe in millions of believers ready to vote for the PDL is the face of fierce against homosexual and heterosexual unmarried couples and their families 'unnatural'? Regional elections will defend the family against gay couples or by an innovative and intelligent on the welfare home for children, the elderly and disabled? I grew up in the school `s anti-clericalism" religious "of the panel, but I felt like other radicals and denounced the limits of a great nineteenth-century anti-clerical flavor. Indeed, precisely because of this, I was considered a radical atypical. Others have experienced a militant anti-clericalism animated by the conviction that the Church was a secular power, voted in a proposed rule on believers and nonbelievers.
now become the champions of Catholicism, they seem to have simply changed sides, but the idea that the Church had. Renata Polverini, a Catholic he is, will not win in Lazio betting on a referendum lay Catholics, but proving to be the leader for a center-right government and an innovative and pragmatic European Region, which hosts the heart of Catholicism, but from time open to a happy coexistence between different cultures.