Friday, February 5, 2010

Sample Words Church Phone Greeting

The vote is won with ideas, not with the faith

The vote is won with ideas, not with the faith

The Journal of February 5, 2010

Benedetto Della Vedova

The bell the article by Giordano Bruno Guerri on Wednesday opened a debate on " Catholic vote "particularly healthy for the center, as evidenced by the response of Eugenia Roccella, who would entrust the victory at Lazio Renata Polverini `idiosyncrasy against the Catholic Radical Emma Bonino.
admit I find the surreal attempt to impose `Italy in the 2010 election played a clash of faith, nay, more, on` doctrinal orthodoxy. But beyond this, the fact is that-understandably - Catholics for a long time, if not always distribute their votes across the political spectrum, roughly as other voters. `According to the survey conducted by Ipsos for the ACLI` lessons of the latest European, for example, practicing Catholics (about one third of the electorate `) voted center-right forces to 50.4%, compared to a General of 45.5%. According to the survey of "Political Thermometer", the difference would also be significantly lower. This should be enough to move, in Italy as in the rest of Christian Europe ', the center of political debate on other issues. But, as evidenced by the reflection proposed by Eugenia Roccella, is not enough.
L `mistake is in thinking that the passion that animal bioethics debate marks the perimeter of the political spectrum. Which, besides not being fair, is not even true, since there are millions of voters Berlusconi, Catholic and non-Catholics, who do not think that Eluana has been 'killed' or that the pre-implantation diagnosis is an aberration, a `eugenics . Catholic thought impregnala culture of subsidiarity and `self-organization of society, is one of the most solid and modern content of the proposed policy of the PDL. But you can not use the Church's moral teaching as a legislative memorandum, pretending not to see that on every sensitive issue across the divisions that divide society even the Catholic world. If Possenti, which is certainly not a Catholic "dissent," he writes, as he did recently on "Paradoxa", "I consider it important that the state does not become a monopoly on ethical end of life issues pertaining to the sphere jealous of their lives 'a few light bulbs should be lit even in the minds of those who want to be a proponent of `ideal Catholic. But we really believe in millions of believers ready to vote for the PDL is the face of fierce against homosexual and heterosexual unmarried couples and their families 'unnatural'? Regional elections will defend the family against gay couples or by an innovative and intelligent on the welfare home for children, the elderly and disabled? I grew up in the school `s anti-clericalism" religious "of the panel, but I felt like other radicals and denounced the limits of a great nineteenth-century anti-clerical flavor. Indeed, precisely because of this, I was considered a radical atypical. Others have experienced a militant anti-clericalism animated by the conviction that the Church was a secular power, voted in a proposed rule on believers and nonbelievers.
now become the champions of Catholicism, they seem to have simply changed sides, but the idea that the Church had. Renata Polverini, a Catholic he is, will not win in Lazio betting on a referendum lay Catholics, but proving to be the leader for a center-right government and an innovative and pragmatic European Region, which hosts the heart of Catholicism, but from time open to a happy coexistence between different cultures.


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