Friday, February 26, 2010

Raw Mushrooms Stomach

Vatican alt Bonino. "Can not vote for candidates Zapatero," the religion of political

Vatican alt Bonino. "Can not vote for candidates Zapatero," Corriere della Sera

February 26, 2010

Monica Guerzoni

There is a problem of "incompatibility" between Catholics and the 'zapatera "Emma Bonino. A 'problem of consciousness "that plagued Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, president emeritus of the Pontifical Academy for Life. The Bishop does not name names, but the references in the interview that disseminates the monthly Advisor Re lead straight to the leader of the Radicals, a candidate in Lazio and supported by the Democratic Party. They ask an opinion on the aspiring president of Lazio, Renata Polverini, and Emma Bonino. Sgreccia It attacks the second. Scale is against those candidates "who have indicated they do not want to give up anything to put their ideas on life and Zapateria
family," raises a "question of conscience for Catholics" and will launch its warning to voters: "It is for a problem incompatibility for the Catholic who impute to vote on it. "
The mood of Monsignor Sgreccia is also that of many Catholics in the Democratic Party, who live with inconvenience to the nomination of Bonino. The issue has led, yesterday, great excitement to the negotiating table for the 'list' of the president.
radicals, represented by Rita Bernardini, they proposed two names - Michele De Lucia and Sergio Rovasio - that condense the history of the party, from `anti-clericalism in the battles for sexual freedom. Rovasio is president of the association rights which fights against discrimination and in favor of gay marriages, adoptions and artificial insemination for homosexual persons.
De Lucia, treasurer of the Radicals, he founded the association to defend the secular state and religious freedom.
In November 2000, during the 0melia of John Paul II during the Jubilee of the politicians, "the Vatican is arrested by police for having rolled out the front of the Basilica di San Pietro a banner reading" Yes to HR 486, yes the condom. "
The profile of the two radicals waved leaders of the Democratic Party. "If they insist on proposing De Lucia and Rovasio not we just - he warns Senator Lucio D` Ubaldo, head of the electoral -. It was said that the list should not be neither clerical nor anti-clerical ... Bonino can not deploy the founder of It takes balance. " Otherwise, the Democratic Party, warned D `Ubaldo, will go to plan B, that is the alternative candidate:" The last option? Resign from the commission, saying that there are conditions for a common program. "


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