Done on 2.3.10
"No to de facto couples": the bishops give Emilia vows
Established non-negotiable values: abortion, assisted procreation, living will
Chiara Paolin
Delbono After the affair and the controversy about the legitimacy ter of the application for Vasco Errani, now the Democratic Party should also see if the bishops of Emilia Romagna. Which I have put pen to paper to convey to voters what is the duty of good Catholics. An official of the Diocese of Bologna, published on the local pages of the Future, says that the Church is not political, but the faithful should vote with great caution, relying on the advice of an expert. He says the note: "Any elector I want to take a prudent decision, must discern the current situation where basic human values \u200b\u200bare concerned, and judge which political party gives greater expectations for their defense and promotion. The help that priests must give, then, consists in enlightening the faithful because individuals fundamental human values \u200b\u200bthat deserve to be in the region today and more preferably defended and promoted, because most misunderstood or disregarded. The Magisterium of the Church is obligatory reference to aid in the discernment of the faithful. "But how, and the Concordat of 1984 which strictly forbids priests to influence the electorate has its fair words:" The priest must abstain completely from indicating which political party it considers in its opinion that in order to give greater security to the defense and promotion of human values \u200b\u200bin question. This indication it would actually be an indication of voting. "At this point the Catholic voters really need divine illumination to hear the priest's advice for their own account by guessing the bullet markers right to bar tab. Franco Grillini, candidate IDV for governor, has no doubts: "The document speaks of non-negotiable values \u200b\u200bas if the parties were completely devoid of values \u200b\u200band ideals. And they had not themselves non-negotiable values. This is an unacceptable interference. "The cornerstones of the decalogue are bound to the bishop's close date. De facto unions, especially homosexuals, have no place in civil life: the first petitioner, the archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, has already had occasion to explain the concept unacceptable to the regional law since last Jan. 1 provides substantial rights in favor of unmarried couples. Following the condemnation of abortion and techniques for procreation, not the living will and the right end of life, the importance of investing in schools and Catholic culture to get to the promotion of peace and respect for creation. Well, meet the highest ecclesiastical spheres will be a really big commitment for those who candidate for governor. Giancarlo Mazzuca, chosen initially by PDL Errani and then moved to challenge the competition for the city of Bologna, who know something: "In recent months, I compared my ideas with Caffarra. Now some are socially acquired rights, but be careful not to create inequalities. Unmarried couples, for example. If two students go to live with this law may apply for a council house after two years, and perhaps pass a family on the list. Of course this time the bishops have gone a long way. Perhaps because, after the public controversy, there was a meeting between Errani and Caffarra. The governor had promised to soften some aspects of the rule, but the measure remains the same. It is now law. " His eminence has responded well.
"No to de facto couples": the bishops give Emilia vows
Established non-negotiable values: abortion, assisted procreation, living will
Chiara Paolin
Delbono After the affair and the controversy about the legitimacy ter of the application for Vasco Errani, now the Democratic Party should also see if the bishops of Emilia Romagna. Which I have put pen to paper to convey to voters what is the duty of good Catholics. An official of the Diocese of Bologna, published on the local pages of the Future, says that the Church is not political, but the faithful should vote with great caution, relying on the advice of an expert. He says the note: "Any elector I want to take a prudent decision, must discern the current situation where basic human values \u200b\u200bare concerned, and judge which political party gives greater expectations for their defense and promotion. The help that priests must give, then, consists in enlightening the faithful because individuals fundamental human values \u200b\u200bthat deserve to be in the region today and more preferably defended and promoted, because most misunderstood or disregarded. The Magisterium of the Church is obligatory reference to aid in the discernment of the faithful. "But how, and the Concordat of 1984 which strictly forbids priests to influence the electorate has its fair words:" The priest must abstain completely from indicating which political party it considers in its opinion that in order to give greater security to the defense and promotion of human values \u200b\u200bin question. This indication it would actually be an indication of voting. "At this point the Catholic voters really need divine illumination to hear the priest's advice for their own account by guessing the bullet markers right to bar tab. Franco Grillini, candidate IDV for governor, has no doubts: "The document speaks of non-negotiable values \u200b\u200bas if the parties were completely devoid of values \u200b\u200band ideals. And they had not themselves non-negotiable values. This is an unacceptable interference. "The cornerstones of the decalogue are bound to the bishop's close date. De facto unions, especially homosexuals, have no place in civil life: the first petitioner, the archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, has already had occasion to explain the concept unacceptable to the regional law since last Jan. 1 provides substantial rights in favor of unmarried couples. Following the condemnation of abortion and techniques for procreation, not the living will and the right end of life, the importance of investing in schools and Catholic culture to get to the promotion of peace and respect for creation. Well, meet the highest ecclesiastical spheres will be a really big commitment for those who candidate for governor. Giancarlo Mazzuca, chosen initially by PDL Errani and then moved to challenge the competition for the city of Bologna, who know something: "In recent months, I compared my ideas with Caffarra. Now some are socially acquired rights, but be careful not to create inequalities. Unmarried couples, for example. If two students go to live with this law may apply for a council house after two years, and perhaps pass a family on the list. Of course this time the bishops have gone a long way. Perhaps because, after the public controversy, there was a meeting between Errani and Caffarra. The governor had promised to soften some aspects of the rule, but the measure remains the same. It is now law. " His eminence has responded well.
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