Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Kind Of Blemish?


The big challenge: salvation and revival for the Italian Protected Areas
Manifesto Appeal of San Rossore

Nature parks and other protected areas now represent a bulwark against the rampant attacks on land and biodiversity and represent a hope for the future because they are laboratories that carry extraordinary management models that demonstrate how to combine conservation and development and to focus on the person-natura.La current mission that the story relies on protected areas is therefore a strategic mission: to help save Earth from the risk of catastrophe ambientale.Il role that they play a role is of interest generale.Proprio in view of that role is growing worldwide, the number of protected natural areas, rises to the level of quality of interventions in both national and internazionale.In Italy, by contrast, protected areas have experienced in recent years, a serious crisis which has its root cause in the underestimation and, sometimes, even in the banality of that role, too often interpreted in pseudoaziendalistica, and resulting in progressive institutional neglect, culminating in the heavy cutting of public funding by the Government in July 2010.Il system of protected areas Italian may well be cancellato.Pensato since the '10s of the last century began with the creation of the first national parks in the early 20's and gradually built since the '70s, this system - consisting of a thousand protected areas (national and regional parks, marine protected areas, nature reserves, etc..) protecting well beyond the 10% of the national area in 1980 had been a challenge launched by the Environmental Italian for the establishment of the parks - is one of great achievements of civilization of our country and meets the guidelines of law framework, the 394, 1991, a bill very late, which was approved unanimously after thirty years of elaboration and lotte.È a system that, despite several flaws and problems, has put Italy perfectly in line with the standards set by the international debate, which allowed the preservation of areas of exceptional natural value and protection of one of the richest biodiversity in Europe, which allowed a number of activities and life trials, which delivered unprecedented energy, new skills and an exceptional charge of innovation and fantasia.I awards from around the world testify to the value of the system and the results it has been able to achieve despite the historic sottofinanziamento.Il cost of protected areas, in fact, insignificantly affects the state budget and the Regions: to give just one glaring example, the 23 national parks in recent years have cost just over € 50 million a year, a cost that is equal to that of just 2 km of highways in the design of the devastating and that is not absolutely comparable with the high cost of the tools not to the defense of nature, but the defense militare.Quei results it was possible to obtain thanks to the passion, selflessness, the innovative capacity of a movement that has developed around the protected areas and is composed of professionals, scholars, managers, associations, for whom professionalism and collaborative spirit are a great asset for the whole Paese.Adesso all likely to be vanificato.Con the last cut, which weighs dramatically on all the protected areas, many of them - certainly the national parks that have seen half the endowment fund - will not be able to cope even with all compulsory and will be denied access to additional resources and in particular to funds in the International comunitari.Così biodiversity, while the bodies and international agreements in protected areas see a fundamental tool to address the environmental crisis and while the Italian Plan on Biodiversity adopted in October highlights the importance of their role, they risk the paralysis that threatens the movement and the impotence frustrazione.Questi risks are only the tip of an iceberg, the light of a general disinterest of the current Italian ruling classes, national and regional towards the conservation of nature, which no longer seems to be a problem, nor a priority, not even a goal just as the environmental crisis precipitated at Planetary nazionale.Segno of this neglect that leads to increasingly nell'insofferenza is also the ongoing disposal of any comprehensive policy for protected areas by the national government in the first place, but also by many Regioni.La situation is even more serious when one considers that the dramatic consequences of this crisis is not unique to our country, since the conservation of nature is universal value and biodiversity protection certainly does not stop at national borders, and also have a profound effect on the rights of future generations that must now be the cynosure of all public government. We
, administrators, staff and volunteers of parks and other protected areas, scientists and engineers, activists of many and various environmental associations, trade unions and politicians, ordinary citizens we call public opinion, movements and institutions with a strong Italian reaction not only for salvation, but also and above all for a great revival of the Italian system of protected areas in the spirit of the law 394.E 'This is the new challenge that we intend to run because we are convinced that the mission today the story relies on parks and other protected areas is to help save our planet, that the functions of environmental protection, economic development and cultural progress of its system of protected areas are strategic the future of our country, a secure future, sustainable, marked with the minimum requirements of civilization, for we are convinced that the Italian company wants to well protected areas, and therefore capable of responding positively and enthusiastically to our challenge, that movement, despite the disappointments and fatigue of the present, still contains within itself enormous potential, tangible and intangible, and has the strength and the will to react lottare.Noi and we intend to give voice to this movement and at the same time we want to help shape and develop the elements and objectives of a new policy areas protette.Per meet this challenge, we turn to all those that want to go to the parks and other protected areas and give them an appointment in Florence in February where he and deepen problems and strategies and will seek to identify, through a calendar of national and local initiatives, appropriate pathways that allow us to address effectively the civil society, political forces and social institutions.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why Wont Cups Work On My Bathtub?

BYE ...


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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An excellent article, written by a decade ... A small history of epileptic

The author took his own life this year in circumstances to say the least original .



Legend of capitalism and free markets

Forget Marx and designed from scratch to Capitalism. What is Capitalism? A free market economy, which left to itself without government intervention and allows the creation of great wealth concentrated.
It is understood that, but if we think we see that a truly free market could not quite create great wealth concentrated, with a truly free market Capitalism can not be!
The fact is that the great wealth concentrated, say the big companies, to be born and remain always in need of public works, works of the community.

imagine any big company in any industry, in its early days. The automotive industry for example. After the invention of the harvester in various countries of the entrepreneurs thought to mass production. They sold well the first series, but then would have to stop: it needed a suitable road network. But in a free market the State does not make you the streets because you have to sell your car, but says, if you want to buy the land and asphalt, my dear private entrepreneur, and respects the rights of neighbors, who are free citizens in a free market.

I wanted to see how they could develop the industry giants such as Ford or Fiat would have had to buy a strip of land after strip of land, paved, fenced and provide it with plenty of underpasses and overpasses, ensure its maintenance, give an account of incidents that took place there. It would have been impossible even a first step, land acquisition, because each farmer would have asked exorbitant prices is obvious.
would be left to our candidate four wheels of the capitalist market, military jeeps and trucks for the Army, who were traveling on the roads made by him, for his purposes. And all bound by the state (export bans, product types, etc.), because stuff is of strategic importance.
Or consider the aviation industry and airlines. Beautiful objects passenger aircraft, but require airports and in a free market, the State will respond as before: What do I have? You have them! And in desert places, where not bother anyone with the noise, because my people are free citizens in a free market, and have rights. Continue on


How To Find Rhino V Schematics

MEMORIES OF A GUIDE ... It 'been a long and tiring day ...

The huge sphere of the sun that has accompanied them throughout the path now to his final farewell to the mountains, hiding behind the ridge and into the gorges ... They followed the old river, then the deep sea and the silent woods verdiPascoli cheOdorano resin ... have enjoyed the caress of the wind and trampled blades of the young 'grass .. He did so by placing "his group" in the most comfortable that a possaIn hardship .. Near the place of bivouac, and serenoIl river flows slowly, while a green lawn and well spianatoRaccoglie tents arranged around well unAllegro fire ... The dinner, as usual, was plentiful and cooked eben a glass of good haRegalato wine a touch of cheer to the party. . .. But no ... But now he has been "camouflaged" in the green bush, sedutoIn statuesque silence on top of a small cliff. "Taste" the wind that brings the smells of the fragrance of resin dell'erbaE All My Children ... "notes" lost the horizon without moving the eyes ... "fingering" through the eyes of the mountain tops the roughness quellaLibertà full of rocks enjoying the great outdoors that only infinite sannoOffrire soul. The images, through the eyes, go directly to the heart in a succession of emozioniDifficili can describe ... not even notice that now the tenebreHanno wrapped everything ... questaMagica music orchestra is directed by the flow lentoDel river, with its notes, the report allaMente other places, other emotions, other ... silence is the "magic moment" of the day where ogniCosa, every creature back "in place" ... If anyone was watching him, do not be surprised in anything you ask ... this is his world ... This is a guide to the world!

(from "Spirit Mountain" by Pino

Monday, December 27, 2010

Ryobi Home Peg For Fishing

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Make Ice?

acrylic on canvas
December 23, 2010

Replacement Rubber Boombox Antennas

Mountain Festival 2010

Mountain Festival 2010


Daniel and Catherine ....





OVERVIEW of the guests ...

a toast ... It never fails!



Saturday, December 18, 2010

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The Vatican still allows choosing the Cav

Without the
The Vatican still allows choosing the Cav
Casini Pressures on to sink the Third Pole
Marco Politi

Vatican City. "The Church urges the government to embrace the UDC. Casini does not want to bind to a corpse. Meanwhile, the Pope praised Berlusconi for having defended the crucifix before Europe. It is a game of three, very delicate one that you are playing in the Catholic world. Given the total alignment of the premier economic and legislative bodies of the Church (to lunch with Cardinal Bertone's first blatantly trust Berlusconi declared, "I will never be against the Vatican "), the Church leaders feel increasingly encouraged to intervene in the political and press-l'arena Casini because the party does not proceed with Fini on the path of the third pole, but to reach an agreement with the government.
Evident's words on December 15 by Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the CEI, when he said that the Italians have expressed "a clear and democratic governance and the desire to be" pursued and respected by all. " Bagnasco A few days after he raised the call for a true dialogue "in the joints of the state, which otherwise gets stuck." Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state has called for the blessing divine the Italian rulers. And the future Casini warned not to prepare a "third mess (other than Third Pole!).
Benedict XVI, when receiving the credentials for the new ambassador to the Holy See Francis Greek, yesterday crowned all solemnly reaffirming the right of intervention of the Church. "The state - he said referring to the Concordat - is called upon to protect not only the rights of believers to freedom of conscience and religion, but also the legitimate role of religion and religious communities in the public sphere." The ties between Italy and the Catholic Church are features, the Pope said, that "can not be denied, forgotten or marginalized. " When it happened, Ratzinger warned, "have caused dangerous imbalances and painful fractures in the social life of the country." Clear warning. Follow dall'elogio the Berlusconi government to maintain the crucifix in schools and the defense of Christian minorities in the world. Because everyone understands the Osservatore Romano titled "The Pope reaffirms the legitimate role of religion in the public sphere."
CASINI, yet, has no intention of selling. Do not enter into a Berlusconi government will give up or close coordination with Fini. He also explained to the Cardinal Bagnasco met a few days ago. Casini knows that the Church leaders are entrenched in supporting the Berlusconi government, but now will not come back. Count on that thirty percent of the episcopate, which has long been quietly discouraged Berlusconi, and knows that part of Catholic looks to the center or left and is tired of a premier windbag and bunga-bunga. But above all, Casini have strong cards against the church hierarchy. His package of votes in parliament capable of preventing any more unpopular with the approval of the Vatican.
If the Church is afraid to have standards contrary to Vatican doctrine on sensitive issues such as unmarried couples or a living will - that the reasoning in his audience of clergy person and through its ambassadors - then should not fear: in parliament, the UDC will barrier with the PDL and the League. All this can be done from 'outside' without the wagon to join Berlusconi, who is now politically unreliable Casini as premier. The positions of different purposes? It is fair to give him freedom of debate (in the name of an ancient tradition that needs to be rediscovered Democrat). But to strengthen the Third Pole, so it sounds Casini message to the Vatican, means growth of the moderate Catholic with a view to attract votes on issues dear to the Church from the right and Finian from the popular Democratic Party. Focolare association comes an assist to the UDC leader. The government has a greater capacity to tackle the country's problems, notes Professor Antonio Maria Baggio exponent of the movement. Casini Berlusconi-An agreement is possible only under the conditions of the centrists. First "necessarily" must be reformed the electoral law. Otherwise you do not go anywhere.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Why Is My Uterus Enlarged?


The 10 men to avoid
selfish, determined by labor, possession, or eternal undecided. Here is the 'black list' of ten men with whom you should never get out.
Are there any types of man of whom we should never fall in love? Of course, the heart can not control, but perhaps, if we could pick up the signals of danger in time, we may decide to terminate the relationship before it becomes too 'dangerous'.
Here then is a small list of all those men, and certainly every woman he met at least one in his life, which would be better to stay away. Men excuse professionals, always ready to show off crocodile tears, but sooner or later you will leave with a broken heart ...
1 - egoistaOgni single aspect of your relationship is decided by him, put words in every detail of your life looking to influence your decisions, and even your favorites. Of course, even in sex their needs are always on top and soon discover that you are only there to satisfy his desires.
2 - possessivoDove you been? How did you come so late? You think you go out dressed like that? And 'the man always on the go, excessively jealous and oppressive, which at times can become aggressive and violent. The risk is also trying to get away from family and friends, get out of the cage!
3 - Boscolo The bird life is hard enough, then you better take on the added baggage of a man who must catch up as a child. Lord indecisive, always ready to get into trouble and chasing easy adventures. His promises always fall in the wind.
4 - mammoneLa mom is always right and is the mother love her, but if your life begins to revolve around the needs and dictates of the mother-in-law then there is something wrong. If he seems unable to cut the umbilical cord and to think for themselves better cut the rope.
5 - The eternal sognatoreHanno disturbing air of rock star or cursed poets, seem full of mystery and anticipation, but when it comes to doing the accounts at month-end or running a family here that if the flying like hell. Better to leave them to their dreams of glory ...
6 - festaioloNon is nothing wrong with wanting to go out sometimes, but if you find the wrong man, will turn any day into a party. Unfortunately, if you no longer twenty years it may become heavy. The hangover headache after a while 'become unbearable ...
7 - workhaolicL'eccessivo enthusiasm for their career and the desire to work can sometimes lead to a true addiction. The work will always be the first of his thoughts, there will be no Saturday or Sunday. In the evening, all discussion will focus on its problems in the office, business plan, target, market analysis, customers, suppliers ...
8 - brontoloneVede always the glass half empty, makes no effort to try to improve his situation, but is always ready to criticize everything and everyone. Even the most optimistic, Pollyanna over the years could not but succumb to such cosmic pessimism ...
9 - narcisistaNon can resist its charm, takes advantage of every glass, mirror, shiny surface to see its image reflected. The fop is unable to love or admire others outside of self. Difficult to build a relationship with someone who only loves himself.
10 - stingy never takes you to the restaurant, the diamond from him you can also forget, as even with the clothes I had bought my mother and the bar and pizzeria at the time to pay is always in the bathroom or outside to smoke. The subject is the victim of pathological avarice, a widespread disease and really unbearable. Flee like hell? Maybe it's better because usually those who are stingy portfolio ... it is with feelings

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The ten types of women to avoid marriage with
Fixed, dictator or indecipherable here The list of 10 women with whom you'd better not go out.

Here is a list of ten types of women from which men in search of quiet should stay away.
We asked the boys to make a list a little 'playful than those which are the major flaws of women. Relying on the fact that the feminine self-irony will allow us to laugh a little 'about.
1 - The promise I married 'women who have taken the inexorable biological clock, his one and only goal is to find a man to take her to the altar. It does not matter if until recently it was a free and independent girl or how many stories have had. Now marriage and children have a fixed idea that will also instill in him to turn. When the victim will realize that he made a hasty choice ... it will be too late.
2 - The 'know it io'La ability to conduct a conversation with wit and irony is a gift always appreciated a woman. The problem arises when we face those who want to always have the last word, always has an opinion about everything or a story to tell. A true river of words, often boring and repetitive. Talkative till you drop is not important for her to have something to say but say it.
3 - The woman porcellanaSensibile and sensitive to excess, must always be treated with kid gloves because every little criticism, beaten, and comment can cause terrible crisis full days with a long snout. Before you know it you will spend your life apologizing.
4 - The woman bancomatSpendere, spend, spend, the watchword of these women seems to be only one. Furniture, shopping, shoes, flowers, jewelry, any excuse to put his hand to the credit card, but rarely is his. These women will squeeze as a lemon and then leave you to your fate ... because of debts and accounts in red.
5 - dittatriceInizia tell you that with that shirt you're not good, you would see better with shirts or with another hair cut in a short time will shape like a statue of clay. May want to check every aspect of your life, how you dress, often that friends, even what car you drive. Eventually you'll be someone else, you might not recognize the mirror.
6 - The eternal insicuraAll'inizio is sweet and full of kindness, but soon you realize that his attentions masks a deep insecurity that often results in obsessive jealousy. Calls you twenty times a day, swamps you sms, wants to know where you are and what you do at any time of day. He will live every day with the fear that you might leave, this is not called love, but obsession.
7 - tentatriceSei the bar is watching you with her eyes fire dancing on the track in front of you with sinuous movements and disturbing, in the office and always wears low-cut blouses and short skirts do not hesitate to play with the effect I do not see or touch with his hands smooth. Unfortunately it's all smoke and no fire, that kind of woman loves to play with men like a cat and mouse. His only goal is to hurt you and keep you in his hand ...
8 - The Queen on tronoE 'the woman who always puts on a pedestal, a step above everything and everyone. The men you are the humble slaves who worship must always be ready to fulfill all his desires. Unfortunately, as sacrifices men seem unable to resist the allure of these 'femme fatale'. Not only be enchanted by the beauty, in a report it also takes respect and reciprocity.
9 - misteroLa woman of his life is full of gray areas and seems to hide secrets confessed. If a woman is presented as a kind of riddle means that it has something to hide or some score to settle. At first a little 'mystery could be intriguing, but after a few weeks if you leave the fog is still thick forget it, clarity is the basis of any lasting relationship.
10 - The beautiful she is sleeping women who live in their fairytale landscape of Prince Charming, eternal love and romance silly. They grew up in a muffled world where were the 'princesses' Mom and Dad. The problem is that they have no idea what it means to pay bills or clean the bathroom. Miss Romance will expect you to be ready to help the rider at all times, instead of little importance that you should try fierce dragons against dangerous washing machines and irons ...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How To Paint Aluminutravel Trailer




"Poggio del Principe" (Montella)

MENU OF December 19, 2010

Appetizer: sliced \u200b\u200bcheese mixed-mixed-bean-soup all'insalata chestnut-stuffed pork skin-bruschetta pizza-olive-oil-yellow, etc.;
Pasta tagliatelle and porcini mushroom ravioli with meat sauce
Main courses: mixed grilled meats;
lamb, sausage and calf
Borders: salad and fries;
Fruit: mixed fruit already peeled,
Dolce : a reed bed and a panzerotto;
water, wine, soft drinks and coffee!

good appetite at all!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Tell When A Scorpio Man Likes You

The Vatican argues that 'Pier' never

The Vatican argues that 'Pier'

Pierfrancesco De Robertis, Il Giorno / Il Resto del Carlino / La Nation, 06/12/10

words weigh in politics, especially those of a cardinal. Especially if they come after weeks of pressure discreet, made in private meetings and messages delivered in a roundabout way but at the highest level and importance. Note: hand hand that the political crisis is close to the fatal ending December 14 are more explicit intervention of the Catholic hierarchy in current Italian (like that of two days ago by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, yet the strong man in the affairs of the Vatican of our house).

Recipient of appeals to the "strengthening of the government (just like that of Ruini) Berlusconi is not so much whose relations with the Vatican are in good health, as the Catholic Pier Ferdinando Casini. The invitations are not at random from the Vatican and not by CEI (the bishops), whose points of view sometimes do not match. The CEI is headed by Cardinal Bagnasco but reflects the moods of many bishops throughout the Italian territory, not always and not all agree on "context" - how would Archbishop Fisichella - the lifestyle of the premier. Instead, the Vatican policy toward a more pragmatic approach, looking beyond the contingent and mind more to the point: Ici exemption to church property, "not exclusively commercial" (estimated at 400 million per year), contributions to Catholic schools and so on. All elements (for some, privileges) that governments have always provided Berlusconi. The "Gentleman of His Holiness' Gianni Letta (but lately also Tremonti) oltretevere is at home. Berlusconi then to the Pope (as a Holy See) is not a problem. The 'problem' but can now be Casini, and especially the possibility that the UDC was allied with the 'godless' Fini, a right to advocate secular and even anticlerical in some accents. Here then explained the calls public Ruini, is the meaning of the many appeals that in recent weeks have come privately to Casini because somehow find the direction to shore up the Berlusconi government. The 'Pier' resist may not be easy.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Is Milena Velba Marries

We will not act against the Vatican "

10:12:10 The Republic never
We will not act against the Vatican "
lunch with Berlusconi Bertone work because the Pope can go to Moscow
The meeting for the new cardinal Bagnasco confirms the absence of frost with the IEC
Marco Ansaldo

VATICAN CITY - "Dear Ambassador, she now leaves his position to represent Italy at the Holy See to go to Moscow, where my friend Vladimir Putin. I will be criticized for this report. They accuse me. Attack me. But they do not understand that my real goal is to bring Russia into a Western context. And thanks to this special relationship I'm also working with the Orthodox Patriarch Kirill because they pave the way for the Pope can go one day in Moscow. "
have passed the 14 at the Palazzo Borromeo, home of the Italian delegation at the Vatican, when the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is addressed to Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi, host and organizer. Middle government is deployed on the long table overlooking the great room. There are letters, Bonaiuti, Frattini, Tremonti, Alfano, Bondi, Fazio, Lease, Romans, Gelmini. There is also the advisor for international policy of the prime minister, the deputy of the PDL, Valentino Valentini, a man of Mr Berlusconi's connection with Russia. And on the other side of the table the guests are the secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone, and 9 Italians out of the 10 new cardinals from the recent consistory in which Benedict XVI has created 24 cardinals.
palpable waiting for an event which, if it's a stage now customary after every Sacred College (Prodi was to attend in 2007), falls a few days from now to the decisive vote of confidence on 14 December for the government, with a President of the Council seeking support authoritative. A delicate moment, which the Vatican Secretariat of State has responded positively. For the Cardinals
newly appointed Prime Minister has congratulated and gave a pectoral cross. And to all expressed optimism for the upcoming transition in the classroom, hoping to be able to get the required numbers. "For my part - has secured the first to remember the years spent by the Salesians (looking Bertone that belongs to that order) - will not be anything against the Vatican. " And after a few sentences of the undersecretary Gianni Letta, the collaborator of the Pope responded by thanking the government of having carried out a policy in favor of the Church. With journalists Bertone was then mocked ("it was just a courtesy lunch, I was a guest, please pray for Italy and for the future of every country with which we report because the problem affects the whole world, not only 'Italy').
were part of the delegation of the Church, the cardinals Ravasi, Romeo, De Paolis, Sardis, Amato, Piacenza, Monterisi, Sgreccia and Bartoloni. Absent from Baldelli. Stood rather the absence of the chairman of the bishops, Angelo Bagnasco, who had a previous commitment to Genoa, where his archdiocese takes a lot. In its place, the general secretary of the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Mariano Crusade.
E 'from rest of the time that the Italian bishops do not hide bad mood to Berlusconi. Their daily reference, events, in an editorial the other day it was deployed against the early voting if it were another majority in Parliament. Some people look at later. Tremonti (who yesterday was spent on the need to support the family), is highly respected. Teases the idea of \u200b\u200ban Italian EPP proposed by Formigoni. The entrance to the UDC in the majority offer some reassurance. But not convinced by the prospect of a centrist party with the 'secular' Fini.
exiting the building tight-lipped, however, for the cardinals. "Less fights and shock us, the better," a later comment of the cardinals who attended the luncheon. "The people in government should pursue the common good, not that of his party," added another. In the halls where, in a few days, Zanardi Landi will be replaced by the new Greek Ambassador Francis, Berlusconi finally let go on a chair: "If not then I will get the trust - said jokingly - that will mean I'll rest."

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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.. From Crisis

Waste Cooking Oil Removal, New York

The deal TRIMprob

He invented the machine that sees tumors ...

Stefano Lorenzetto
(The Associated Press - March 14, 2010)

A 30 cm long tube that allows you to discover the cancer does not just begin to form. An electromagnetic probe that sees any inflammation of the tissues. A test that takes just 2-3 minutes, is not invasive, does not cause pain or discomfort to the patient, and immediately provides the answer. A harmless test, repeated endlessly and without taking off their clothes, which has a diagnostic accuracy of at least 70%, but when performed by experienced hands, may even reach 100% reliability. A revolutionary, compact, portable, which can be used anywhere that does not require radioactive contrast media, plates or other consumables. Equipment that you buy, rather they bought, with 43,000 € plus VAT, compared to € 3-4 million a magnetic resonance imaging machine, the 2 million a Pet and a million and a half of a CAT scan, all ' and three with very high operating costs.

So who's afraid of and why bioscanner, trade name TRIMprob? Certainly not the potential patients, who could find time for illness. Not the Ministry of Health, which has included in the register of medical devices in the NHS. Certainly not Professor Umberto Veronesi, who has pioneered in its European Institute of Oncology in Milan and has praised its validity. Yet Galileo Avionics, a subsidiary of giant Finmeccanica, announced the closure of the Probe Trim Spa, the company that produces and markets wound up as no longer deemed strategic part of an international group specialized in the means of defense military.

This is the unfortunate historia a knight of the past, Professor Clarbruno Vedruccio, 54, the inventor of bioscanner, degree in physics and electrical engineering in the United States, who collaborated with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the CNR in Bologna and professor of research methodology at the University of Urbino, and in present times would have merited Nobel prizes for physics and medicine merged together, if only the world revolved in the right direction, and instead is forced to drain their bank accounts to protect her child.

Vedruccio bioscanner arrived at by accident while he was providing advanced military technology to some elite units of our armed forces. So as not to miss such a brain, in 2004 the leaders of the Navy have dusted Marconi Law of 1932, so called because it was tailored for Marconi, the inventor of radio, which threatened to move bag and baggage to the British. Enlisted "Special Merit" in the Selected Reserve, by decree of the President of the Republic, the Pythagorean Archimedes became captain of a frigate and was assigned to the office of the Command studies and underwater raiders in La Spezia. He also participated in the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon Leon, where has worked for a commendation.

When in 2004 a series of impressive displays - appliances that caught fire, exploding car windows, compasses went mad, automatic gates that opened by themselves - shocked the life of Caronia, near Messina, Civil Protection Vedruccio called to find the key to the problem. The researcher made sure that the village Nebrodi was struck by beams of electromagnetic radiation with particular characteristics. Today, if you ask him who he was to issue, is limited to three words: "I can not answer." The inventor lives with his wife Carla Ricci, his assistant, a few kilometers from the Northern Cross radio telescope in Medicina (Bologna). Talk about the case.

unusual name, Clarbruno.

'is Clara and the merger of Brunello, my parents. "

She is a physicist. Why has agreed to become a naval officer?

"I am not a warmonger nor pacifist. But if war is to be done, is done. We say that the military life is the norm in our family. I was born in Ruffy, province of Lecce. My maternal grandfather, Ettore Giaccari, lost at sea in 1941, was the chief engineer of the crossing River, sunk by the British at the Battle of Cape Matapan. My father commanded the Coast Guard brigade of finance. I grew up among the barracks and the Lighthouse of Torre Canne. In January 1958 F86 aircraft crashed in the Adriatic and dad jumped in to swim the icy waters to save the pilot. Him back to shore, but unfortunately he was already dead. I spent his childhood between the wreckage of that fighter jet. I still remember the cockpit, the controls, the radio room. My love for electronics was born there. "

bioscanner And it is born?

"In 1985 he collaborated with the San Marco battalion. I was asked if I was able to develop a technology to catch poachers at night Pedagna landed on the island, a military zone off the coast of Brindisi. Cameras could not be installed for the excessive saltiness and the frequent storms. I was working on a kind of radar-personnel mines, such as the Americans used in Vietnam, when I noticed that some UHF frequency bands, between 350 and 500 MHz, and below the channels, interacted well with biological tissue of persons. "

How does one noticed?

"I wanted to experience the ability to use electromagnetism for tracing landmines buried in the ground: the detector recorded any instability in the compactness of the sand up to 20 inches depth. While I was in my lab, I noticed that on a spectrum analyzer of the three spectral lines disappear completely whenever I approached the test. Strange. That day I had swallowed a salami sandwich on the train and I was in the grip of a terrible gastritis. I lit a bulb in my head. Castagnoli called Henry, a former Navy radar operator, my neighbor and asked him how he felt healthy. "It is all right," he said. I repeated the test on him: no change of the spectrum. The confirmation I was looking for. "


"Then I could not know. But I just tried to live what scientists Hugo Fricke and Sterne Morse sensed and described in 1926 in Cancer Research which is that healthy tissue has a lower electrical capacity, higher than inflamed, even more than cancer. In my practice bioscanner allows you to do a kind of electromagnetic biopsy, and bloodless, of biological tissues, with three frequencies in the UHF band, around 460, with 920 and 1350 MHz. In particular, the signal on the first frequency interacts with malignant tumor formation, indicating a lowering of the spectral line. "

It identifies any type of cancer?

"With the exception of leukemia. But solid tumors on which we suspect has read them all. I have seen some cancers of the breast with two years early sull'ecografia and mammography. "

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a new subject for secondary schools" Introduction to the religions "Finian

Unit 5:12:10
Pd: a new material for high schools, "Introduction to the religions"
acceded to that proposal by nearly all the 22 parliamentary groups
For Giovanna Melandri will serve to "bridge the gap currently present in school about the knowledge of the great religions of the world. " Appreciation from representatives of all faiths
Gian Mario Gillio

a press conference with the House, Members of the PD Giovanna Melandri, Jean-Leonard Touadi and Andrea Sarubbi, together with Paola Frassinetti of the PDL, have presented a new proposal called Teaching Introduction religions. "Religious affiliation stated in the bill before signing Melandri, who has already seen the accession of 22 parliamentarians from almost all groups will again become an essential component of the identity of the men and women of our time" . The teaching of "Introduction to the religions and incorporated as a subject compulsory in secondary school and upper secondary school. Graduates are qualified to teach in the humanities made following open competition, and provided one hour per week of instruction for each class. So the center of the proposed approach and analysis of religion as transversal element to human experience and cultures. A look at the great religious traditions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, which would be given special attention and Islam) through the analysis of their sacred texts, traditions, cultures and identities of peoples.
"said Melandri A new material that, without wishing in any way affect the function and role recognized the teaching of the Catholic religion (IRC) by the provisions of the Concordat, aims to fill the gap currently in the school about the knowledge of the great religions of the world. This, dall'approccio from the reference books, to begin to provide students with those tools capable of understanding the cultural pluralism that characterizes today's society. Consider, for example, the younger generation born and raised in an interfaith and multicultural space. "
Pastor Aquilante Massimo, president of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy (FCEI) expressed its appreciation for an initiative that supports: "This proposal is important because it aligns Italy Europe and takes into account the fact that our society is increasingly multi-cultural and multi-religious. Especially continued Aquilante opens a new secularism that promotes the development of critical skills in the educational process. "
Basic says the bill that adequate attention should be given also to the Eastern religious traditions. Not only to give students the opportunity to capture the artistic and spiritual wealth, but also as a response to the growing and diverse civilizations of migration. To support the initiative were also representatives of various faiths: Sandro Di Castro, the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Giorgio Ferri, the Union of atheists and agnostics and rationalists, and Alessandro Paolantoni, general secretary of the Union of community and Islamic organizations in Italy.