Saturday, December 18, 2010

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The Vatican still allows choosing the Cav

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The Vatican still allows choosing the Cav
Casini Pressures on to sink the Third Pole
Marco Politi

Vatican City. "The Church urges the government to embrace the UDC. Casini does not want to bind to a corpse. Meanwhile, the Pope praised Berlusconi for having defended the crucifix before Europe. It is a game of three, very delicate one that you are playing in the Catholic world. Given the total alignment of the premier economic and legislative bodies of the Church (to lunch with Cardinal Bertone's first blatantly trust Berlusconi declared, "I will never be against the Vatican "), the Church leaders feel increasingly encouraged to intervene in the political and press-l'arena Casini because the party does not proceed with Fini on the path of the third pole, but to reach an agreement with the government.
Evident's words on December 15 by Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the CEI, when he said that the Italians have expressed "a clear and democratic governance and the desire to be" pursued and respected by all. " Bagnasco A few days after he raised the call for a true dialogue "in the joints of the state, which otherwise gets stuck." Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state has called for the blessing divine the Italian rulers. And the future Casini warned not to prepare a "third mess (other than Third Pole!).
Benedict XVI, when receiving the credentials for the new ambassador to the Holy See Francis Greek, yesterday crowned all solemnly reaffirming the right of intervention of the Church. "The state - he said referring to the Concordat - is called upon to protect not only the rights of believers to freedom of conscience and religion, but also the legitimate role of religion and religious communities in the public sphere." The ties between Italy and the Catholic Church are features, the Pope said, that "can not be denied, forgotten or marginalized. " When it happened, Ratzinger warned, "have caused dangerous imbalances and painful fractures in the social life of the country." Clear warning. Follow dall'elogio the Berlusconi government to maintain the crucifix in schools and the defense of Christian minorities in the world. Because everyone understands the Osservatore Romano titled "The Pope reaffirms the legitimate role of religion in the public sphere."
CASINI, yet, has no intention of selling. Do not enter into a Berlusconi government will give up or close coordination with Fini. He also explained to the Cardinal Bagnasco met a few days ago. Casini knows that the Church leaders are entrenched in supporting the Berlusconi government, but now will not come back. Count on that thirty percent of the episcopate, which has long been quietly discouraged Berlusconi, and knows that part of Catholic looks to the center or left and is tired of a premier windbag and bunga-bunga. But above all, Casini have strong cards against the church hierarchy. His package of votes in parliament capable of preventing any more unpopular with the approval of the Vatican.
If the Church is afraid to have standards contrary to Vatican doctrine on sensitive issues such as unmarried couples or a living will - that the reasoning in his audience of clergy person and through its ambassadors - then should not fear: in parliament, the UDC will barrier with the PDL and the League. All this can be done from 'outside' without the wagon to join Berlusconi, who is now politically unreliable Casini as premier. The positions of different purposes? It is fair to give him freedom of debate (in the name of an ancient tradition that needs to be rediscovered Democrat). But to strengthen the Third Pole, so it sounds Casini message to the Vatican, means growth of the moderate Catholic with a view to attract votes on issues dear to the Church from the right and Finian from the popular Democratic Party. Focolare association comes an assist to the UDC leader. The government has a greater capacity to tackle the country's problems, notes Professor Antonio Maria Baggio exponent of the movement. Casini Berlusconi-An agreement is possible only under the conditions of the centrists. First "necessarily" must be reformed the electoral law. Otherwise you do not go anywhere.


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