Unit 5:12:10
Pd: a new material for high schools, "Introduction to the religions"
acceded to that proposal by nearly all the 22 parliamentary groups
For Giovanna Melandri will serve to "bridge the gap currently present in school about the knowledge of the great religions of the world. " Appreciation from representatives of all faiths
Gian Mario Gillio
a press conference with the House, Members of the PD Giovanna Melandri, Jean-Leonard Touadi and Andrea Sarubbi, together with Paola Frassinetti of the PDL, have presented a new proposal called Teaching Introduction religions. "Religious affiliation stated in the bill before signing Melandri, who has already seen the accession of 22 parliamentarians from almost all groups will again become an essential component of the identity of the men and women of our time" . The teaching of "Introduction to the religions and incorporated as a subject compulsory in secondary school and upper secondary school. Graduates are qualified to teach in the humanities made following open competition, and provided one hour per week of instruction for each class. So the center of the proposed approach and analysis of religion as transversal element to human experience and cultures. A look at the great religious traditions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, which would be given special attention and Islam) through the analysis of their sacred texts, traditions, cultures and identities of peoples.
"said Melandri A new material that, without wishing in any way affect the function and role recognized the teaching of the Catholic religion (IRC) by the provisions of the Concordat, aims to fill the gap currently in the school about the knowledge of the great religions of the world. This, dall'approccio from the reference books, to begin to provide students with those tools capable of understanding the cultural pluralism that characterizes today's society. Consider, for example, the younger generation born and raised in an interfaith and multicultural space. "
Pastor Aquilante Massimo, president of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy (FCEI) expressed its appreciation for an initiative that supports: "This proposal is important because it aligns Italy Europe and takes into account the fact that our society is increasingly multi-cultural and multi-religious. Especially continued Aquilante opens a new secularism that promotes the development of critical skills in the educational process. "
Basic says the bill that adequate attention should be given also to the Eastern religious traditions. Not only to give students the opportunity to capture the artistic and spiritual wealth, but also as a response to the growing and diverse civilizations of migration. To support the initiative were also representatives of various faiths: Sandro Di Castro, the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Giorgio Ferri, the Union of atheists and agnostics and rationalists, and Alessandro Paolantoni, general secretary of the Union of community and Islamic organizations in Italy.
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