The big challenge: salvation and revival for the Italian Protected Areas
Manifesto Appeal of San Rossore
Nature parks and other protected areas now represent a bulwark against the rampant attacks on land and biodiversity and represent a hope for the future because they are laboratories that carry extraordinary management models that demonstrate how to combine conservation and development and to focus on the person-natura.La current mission that the story relies on protected areas is therefore a strategic mission: to help save Earth from the risk of catastrophe ambientale.Il role that they play a role is of interest generale.Proprio in view of that role is growing worldwide, the number of protected natural areas, rises to the level of quality of interventions in both national and internazionale.In Italy, by contrast, protected areas have experienced in recent years, a serious crisis which has its root cause in the underestimation and, sometimes, even in the banality of that role, too often interpreted in pseudoaziendalistica, and resulting in progressive institutional neglect, culminating in the heavy cutting of public funding by the Government in July 2010.Il system of protected areas Italian may well be cancellato.Pensato since the '10s of the last century began with the creation of the first national parks in the early 20's and gradually built since the '70s, this system - consisting of a thousand protected areas (national and regional parks, marine protected areas, nature reserves, etc..) protecting well beyond the 10% of the national area in 1980 had been a challenge launched by the Environmental Italian for the establishment of the parks - is one of great achievements of civilization of our country and meets the guidelines of law framework, the 394, 1991, a bill very late, which was approved unanimously after thirty years of elaboration and lotte.È a system that, despite several flaws and problems, has put Italy perfectly in line with the standards set by the international debate, which allowed the preservation of areas of exceptional natural value and protection of one of the richest biodiversity in Europe, which allowed a number of activities and life trials, which delivered unprecedented energy, new skills and an exceptional charge of innovation and fantasia.I awards from around the world testify to the value of the system and the results it has been able to achieve despite the historic sottofinanziamento.Il cost of protected areas, in fact, insignificantly affects the state budget and the Regions: to give just one glaring example, the 23 national parks in recent years have cost just over € 50 million a year, a cost that is equal to that of just 2 km of highways in the design of the devastating and that is not absolutely comparable with the high cost of the tools not to the defense of nature, but the defense militare.Quei results it was possible to obtain thanks to the passion, selflessness, the innovative capacity of a movement that has developed around the protected areas and is composed of professionals, scholars, managers, associations, for whom professionalism and collaborative spirit are a great asset for the whole Paese.Adesso all likely to be vanificato.Con the last cut, which weighs dramatically on all the protected areas, many of them - certainly the national parks that have seen half the endowment fund - will not be able to cope even with all compulsory and will be denied access to additional resources and in particular to funds in the International comunitari.Così biodiversity, while the bodies and international agreements in protected areas see a fundamental tool to address the environmental crisis and while the Italian Plan on Biodiversity adopted in October highlights the importance of their role, they risk the paralysis that threatens the movement and the impotence frustrazione.Questi risks are only the tip of an iceberg, the light of a general disinterest of the current Italian ruling classes, national and regional towards the conservation of nature, which no longer seems to be a problem, nor a priority, not even a goal just as the environmental crisis precipitated at Planetary nazionale.Segno of this neglect that leads to increasingly nell'insofferenza is also the ongoing disposal of any comprehensive policy for protected areas by the national government in the first place, but also by many Regioni.La situation is even more serious when one considers that the dramatic consequences of this crisis is not unique to our country, since the conservation of nature is universal value and biodiversity protection certainly does not stop at national borders, and also have a profound effect on the rights of future generations that must now be the cynosure of all public government. We
, administrators, staff and volunteers of parks and other protected areas, scientists and engineers, activists of many and various environmental associations, trade unions and politicians, ordinary citizens we call public opinion, movements and institutions with a strong Italian reaction not only for salvation, but also and above all for a great revival of the Italian system of protected areas in the spirit of the law 394.E 'This is the new challenge that we intend to run because we are convinced that the mission today the story relies on parks and other protected areas is to help save our planet, that the functions of environmental protection, economic development and cultural progress of its system of protected areas are strategic the future of our country, a secure future, sustainable, marked with the minimum requirements of civilization, for we are convinced that the Italian company wants to well protected areas, and therefore capable of responding positively and enthusiastically to our challenge, that movement, despite the disappointments and fatigue of the present, still contains within itself enormous potential, tangible and intangible, and has the strength and the will to react lottare.Noi and we intend to give voice to this movement and at the same time we want to help shape and develop the elements and objectives of a new policy areas protette.Per meet this challenge, we turn to all those that want to go to the parks and other protected areas and give them an appointment in Florence in February where he and deepen problems and strategies and will seek to identify, through a calendar of national and local initiatives, appropriate pathways that allow us to address effectively the civil society, political forces and social institutions.
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